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Tag Archives: others

It’s funny how we (Christians) can so easily point the finger and say “look at what he did!” and “How could anyone do that?” and “What was he thinking?!” and judge (subtlety of course)… but I was thinking about it on Saturday, (work was fairly quiet and I was in a deep thinking mood)… I was also thinking about other issues that Christians so quickly point the finger and “judge” on, such as abortion, porn, self harm, homosexuality, depression, substance abuse and crime…

We (Christians) seem to have the monopoly on what is ‘right’ and anything else is wrong. So often we seem to express our opinions by telling an expecting girl that abortion is murder, by telling a pornstar that what she is doing is wrong and disgraceful, by telling a young girl that sleeping around is dirty and desperate and the Bible says “No” and the consequences are eternity in hell. But who are we to come into their lives at that point? where were we (the church) when the young girl was looking for love in the wrong places? Did we show her that Jesus’ love is pure and more powerful and fulfilling than any boy she could hook in with? or were we too busy telling her the Bible says “NO” to sex b4 marriage?
Where were we (the church) when the young boy was looking for acceptance and started doing drugs? Were we there to show him that God accepts him no matter what the boy’s father may think or say to him? Were we there when he got beat up at school?
Where were we when a father looking for help with getting his life together, as his wife left him? Where were we when nothing he did seemed good enough? Where were we when he lost it and did an extreme act, which he will never forget as long as he lives, neither will his other kids, or his ex-wife? I hope rather than simply pointing a finger and saying “the bible says ‘thou shall NOT KILL’ How could you!?!” We are praying, praying for him, for his other kids, for his ex-wife, for his other family, for all parents who sometimes struggle and don’t know this awesome God that we have to help us out in tough times…

I guess the point I’m attempting to make is that we need to be there for people always, not just when things go really against what we would do… or when we get offended. We need to show people that Christ isn’t about a bunch of rules but rather love.

Somebody’s Baby

She yells
If you’re homeless sure
As hell you’d be drunk
Or high or trying to get there
Or begging for junk

When people don’t want you
They just throw you money for beer
Her name was November
She went by Autumn or Fall
It was seven long years
Since the Autumn
When all of her nightmares
Grew fingers
And all of her dreams
Grew a tear

She’s somebody’s baby
Somebody’s baby girl
She’s somebody’s baby
Somebody’s baby girl
She’s somebody’s baby still

She screams
Well if you’ve never gone it alone
Well then go ahead
You better throw the first stone
You got one lonely stoner
Waiting to bring to her knees
She dreams about heaven
Remembering Hell
As the nightmare she visits
And knows all to well
Every now and again
When she’s sober
She brushes her teeth

Today was her birthday
Strangely enough
When the cops found her body
At the foot of the bluff
The anonymous caller this morning
Tipped off the police
They got her ID
From the dental remains
The same fillings intact
The same nicotine stains
The birth and the death
Were both over
With no one to grieve
